How Hard Water Buildup Costs Your Business

Countless industries and commercial operations rely heavily on water to keep business running smoothly. Yet, the mineral content of your water supply may lead to unexpected costs that damage manufacturing and industrial facilities. As a resource for your business, Gunther Salt Company explains what hard water buildup is, how it will impact business operations, and how water softening will help mitigate these costs. 

Hard Water Explained

Before reaching the municipal supply, water accumulates certain minerals from the rocks and soil it encounters. The minerals may include calcium and magnesium, which make water “harder” in high concentrations.

Ultimately, water hardness or softness is measured using grains per gallon (gpg), where one grain equals 0.002 ounces of calcium carbonate dissolved in 1 gallon of water. Classifications include: 

  • 0–3 gpg: Soft water

  • 3.5–7 gpg: Moderate and ideal

  • >7.5 gpg: Hard water

The hardness of your water depends on the area you live in. The Midwest often faces hard water due to mineral-rich limestone or heavy iron present in the soil. On average, the Water Quality Association reports that states across the Midwest face hard water measuring anywhere from 7 to 10+ gpg. In households, you may see signs of hard water in day-to-day activities. Symptoms may include: 

  • Dingy laundry 

  • Spotty dishes and glassware

  • High soap usage and the need for fabric softeners 

  • Scales that are difficult to clean in sinks, bathtubs, shower stalls, faucets, and appliances

  • High energy costs

However, the signs may be less apparent for business facilities if you are not monitoring it closely. Mineral deposits known as hard water buildup hide in pipes, faucets, and other plumbing systems — which may increase operating costs over time. 

The Costs of Hard Water Buildup 

Minerals in water impact homeowners, but business owners who use water extensively may experience more costs associated with hard water. Our team at Gunther Salt Company has seen a few common problems for those not routinely receiving a water softener salt delivery. 

Decreases Efficiency

One of the biggest problems with hard water is blockages in key pieces of equipment, such as boilers and cooling towers. Once minerals have built up in your pipes, your sprinklers, hoses, and beyond may not function as they are supposed to. As a result, water pressure and flow decrease — hard water buildup may eventually cause enough damage to require repair or complete replacement of the pipes.

Increases Energy Use

With less room in equipment and fixtures for water to flow, your machinery has to work twice as hard to pump water. This requires more energy, and as the problem worsens, you’ll see a dramatic increase in your energy costs each billing period. 

Increases Maintenance

Mineral buildup leads to progressive corrosion and blockages. Hiring maintenance or repair crews to get you back up and running can be pricey. The need for increased maintenance and repairs due to corrosion and blockages may also lead to delays in production.

Water Softener Salt Delivery with Gunther Salt

Hard water buildup threatens your daily operations, especially if you use water extensively. Using salt to soften your water preserves the efficiency of water usage in your facility or home. Gunther Salt Company is a leading provider of water-softening salts, offering the following options:

  • Louisiana Rock Salt: Louisiana salt is the most cost-effective salt product for water softening. Sourced directly from salt mines, this product removes calcium and magnesium from hard water.

  • Utah Solar Salt: Utah Solar Salt is a cleaner and much less expensive alternative to evaporated salts. Harvested through shallow ponds, solar salt is naturally dried by the sun in several divided pools. This salt’s high purity leaves fewer insolubles in your tank, requiring fewer equipment cleanings long-term.

Whether you are searching for value or high-purity salts, Gunther Salt Company offers a diverse selection of solar salt, rock salt, and evaporated salt. Our team even provides multiple water softener salt delivery options for organizations throughout the Midwest. 

For bulk water softening salt, visit our Bulk Ordering page to provide your product and delivery information. For custom pallet deliveries, visit our Other Ordering page to contact a representative.


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